Cancer Care in Resource-Limited Countries: The KHCC Story – Yale Cancer Center & The Smilow Cancer Hospital, Connecticut, USA
I was overwhelmed with a rush of riveting emotions as H.R.H Princess Ghida Talal, my colleague Dr. Hikmat Abdel Razek and I stepped onto the platform of the prestigious Yale University, I am indeed very grateful that we were given the opportunity to discuss the challenges developing Countries with limited resources face in dealing with the Cancer burden and truly honored that King Hussein Cancer Center got to share the story; showcasing our successful experience in this field. Despite our relatively short existence and all the difficulties we’ve encountered, I’m so proud that we still managed to establish ourselves as a respected, prominent institution in a crowded field. Our center has achieved great success in the field of science and medicine, and this triumph is not individual, but rather a result of collaborative, hard efforts and dedication of our colleagues and a testament to the strength of this organization